BAG funding "De-minimis": The application period has already started
Bordesholm, February 1, 2020
Since January 7, 2020, companies can apply to the Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG) for grants to use for investments in extra-mandatory safety and environmental measures.
The application deadline for new funding under the De-minimis program has been running since January 7th this year and ends on September 30th, 2020.
De-minimis – about the program
De-minimis is one of the most successful measures to relieve companies with toll vehicles in Germany.
Funding is available to companies that operate freight transport within the meaning of Section 1 of the Road Transport Act (GüKG) at the time the De-minimis application is submitted. The De-minimis funding therefore benefits companies that either operate factory traffic or have a Community license or EU license or permission for commercial freight traffic. This primarily includes transport companies and freight forwarders.
Each of these companies can receive a maximum of 33,000 euros in funding.
HGVs with a permissible total weight of 7.5 t or more are funded, each with a maximum of 2,000 euros/ year.
Anyone wishing to apply for funding must be the owner or keeper of at least one heavy commercial vehicle (from 7.5 tons) approved for use on public roads in the Federal Republic of Germany on December 1 of the year before the respective De-minimis funding period.
These measures can qualify for funding
With grants of up to 80% of the investments incurred, the De-minimis program supports a large number of measures and investments that serve to ensure safety in road haulage companies and the environment.
- Vehicle-related measures (e.g. purchase of driver assistance systems)
- Personal measures (e.g. costs of safety equipment/ work clothes for the drivers/ loading personnel/ dispatchers)
- Measures to increase efficiency (e.g. purchase of telematics systems, hardware and software for displaying, evaluating, managing, archiving the data of the digital EG control device)
The eligible measures include, for example, the use of "video systems to monitor a business site".
Are you a DIVIS customer and plan to equip your outdoor area with video surveillance in 2020?
Or do you want more security and control on your premises through automatic license plate recognition and the maintenance of black and white lists?
Then you could apply for grants for monitoring your outdoor area with Motion Alarm+ with thermal imaging cameras or License Plate+ for the entry and exit control and control of vehicle movements in your yard, including black and white lists from DIVIS, as part of the De-minimis funding program.
However, there is no general legal right to receive funding. The Federal Office makes decisions based on dutiful discretion and within the scope of the available funding. So don't hesitate.
Due to the great demand, the funds will soon be exhausted. It is therefore advisable to submit applications at the beginning of the funding period if possible.
If you are interested, it is best to contact our sales department directly to discuss details about our products and the best time frame for implementation.
Note: The measures to promote safety and the environment can only begin after the application has been received by the Federal Office. Measures that were started before the application will not be considered!