Log files in the DIVIS software, Tip of the Month and our colleagues in product development
Bordesholm, June 4, 2018
This year is progressing quickly. Interesting developments and events are already behind us. And the preparations for the event highlight of the year at DIVIS, the Kieler Daag, are in full swing. We are looking forward to say "Cast off" at the end of June.
Meanwhile, at DIVIS, the development of our software and hardware products continues tirelessly. Today we would like to introduce you to our team and the agile workflow in product development. Learn more about the meaning and use of log files in our software in the Tip of the Month.
Have fun reading this issue!
For the DIVIS team
Yours Hendrik Reger
Head of Sales
The topics of this issue
More innovative products thanks to agile workflows in product development
In order to make the development and programming process of our software equally innovative, creative, but also efficient, DIVIS has relied on an agile approach in software development since 2016. The core of this restructuring is working in an self-organized team with equal rights.
The basis is intensive communication and close collaboration within the team and with the product management department.
Based on the experience that complex projects in their entirety, can hardly be assessed at once, in particular with regard to detailed problems, the agile way of working involves the further development in steps of intermediate goals (sprints). These are regularly determined, reviewed and adjusted. At the beginning of such a sprint, the goal and procedures are defined together in a meeting. A "real-time comparison" of the upcoming and already completed tasks is performed in quick daily briefings (Daily Scrums).
Another important component is the sprint review at the end of the phase. Here the results are presented for evaluation. The timely review of the respective development phase allows to assess progress (has the goal been achieved?), and further conclusions can be drawn from the experience gained, which can be used directly and very flexibly to eliminate errors and improve organization and procedures.
Advantages of the agile workflow in product development
All teams involved in product development are at the same level of information at all times since all are attending the meetings.
The close rhythm of exchange ensures that mistakes or less promising approaches can be quickly identified and corrected. Due to the short work cycles, the team remains very flexible in reacting to changing framework conditions (for example, at the customer or inspired by market developments).
Short partial goals also promote efficient processing.
This method puts much more responsibility on the team than more traditional approaches. However, by this everyone involved is "close to the product" and able to get involved creatively at the right time. The regular comparison leads to the team constantly optimizing processes and organization.
DIVIS' improved test procedures and the introduction of Code Reviews (meaning a proofreading of the written code) are resulting in slightly longer release cycles, but lead to a much better quality of our products on release. This increases the user friendliness of our products and especially the customer satisfaction.
Last but not least, the agile workflow allowed the DIVIS teams to create space to engage in innovation beyond their day-to-day business.
The concept is so successful that from August 2018, the DIVIS development department will also offer training for application development IT specialists in order to share the gained knowledge and to train young professionals for the fast-growing company.
Who? What? When? - Log files in the DIVIS software
Logfiles are "silent" data that constantly accumulate in the background and identify the activities in a software.
Since the handling of log files is not directly necessary for the operation of the software, users often do not know this function at all.
Log files usually only become interesting for running operations if, for example, you have to search for causes in malfunctions of the software.
However, even in the case of legal disputes log files can play a role and even have decisive evidential value.
In addition, at the latest since the new data protection regulations have become effective on May 25, 2018, with the GDPR it makes sense to know which information is recorded in these files and who has access to it.
Our colleagues in product development
Photo: f.l.t.r. Felix Braun, Florian Hohnsbehn, Stephanie Schade
Today, we introduce you to the agile workflows in our product development.
Meet the colleagues who are involved in these processes: our development team.