Meet DIVIS live in Stuttgart
Bordesholm, February 1, 2017
In March you will have the opportunity to learn all about our new products and our field-proven solutions at the LogiMAT in Stuttgart and to exchange ideas with our colleagues from the sales department.
Also for you: Attractive prizes at our LogiMAT tombola!
LogiMAT 2017
Neue Messe Stuttgart
March 14 - 16, 2017 | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
DIVIS will be exhibiting in hall 7 at booth A07
The DIVS team is looking forward to your visit!
Information on our contacts, appointment agreement and how to get FREE entry to the LogiMAT can be found at the end of this newsletter.

News at the DIVIS booth
Scale+ - New module for the software-based volume control of shipments
Link+ - To CargoVIS II without detours
Scale+ - New module for the software-based volume control of shipments
Unambiguous liability transitions and cost control are two of the core concerns in logistics, be it in transport or in the warehouse. Scale+ contributes decisively to the optimization of these critical points.
By more controls - possible even retrospectively with the new module - your situation regarding proof is significantly improved in case of recourse claims.
The handling is very easy, for controls the loading process does not even need to be interrupted.
The basis for the volume controle in Scale+ is video material previously recorded with existing door cameras.
This makes it possible to control any consignment, even when the goods are stacked and even after the goods have left the warehouse.
Strengthened evidence and optimized processes - this saves not only time, but also money.
Would you like to learn more about Scale+?
You can find more information in this news article
At the LogiMAT, we will present the functionality of the new module live to you.
Link+ to CargoVIS II without detours
CargoVIS II can be easily started from various applications
CargoVIS II, our system solution for the visual tracking of palletized consignments, has valuable interfaces that enable you to start our software from other applications and to carry out specific predefined steps.
One of these interfaces is our Link+ module.
For example, you only have to push one button to start the search process for a specific shipment number in CargoVIS II directly from your forwarding software using Link+. Relevant parameters, such as the shipment data, are automatically received by CargoVIS II.This reduces errors and accelerates your workflows.
The best thing: This Plus+ functionality is part of the basic configuration of our CargoVIS II software, which every customer receives when purchasing the DIVIS solution automatically and at no extra cost
You do not know CargoVIS II yet? Learn more about our system solution at LogiMAT!
What connects the new Zebra TC8000 handheld with CargoVIS II, our software for the visual tracking of palletised consignments?
The locating.
Whether you are already using Zebra TC8000 handhelds or are still contemplating the purchase, a new solution for the automatic locating of the warehouse scanner enables the use of the research and visualization functionalities of our system solution CargoVIS II also with the TC8000.
With the TC8000, Zebra has launched a new generation of industrial handhelds specifically designed for use in warehouses.
The device has now become even more versatile by clever hardware additions. With the help of a special adapter, developed by our hardware partner TIS, DIVIS tags for locating can now be directly integrated.
Particularly practical: The solution does not need batteries - failures typical of battery operation are a worry of the past.
Another advantage: Maintenance and technical support for the device, including the tag for locating, come completely from one source, in the form of a "worry-free" service package of TIS GmbH.
Discover the Zebra TC8000 handheld with the new tag integration for locating at our stand at the LogiMAT.
4K in the outdoor area - the key is the detail
High-resolution technology for detailed reproduction of the company's outdoor area
The video surveillance with 4K components is becoming more and more common in many logistical areas, not only in the interior but also in the exterior.
The advantages are obvious:
The higher the resolution, the better (appropriate lighting conditions provided) the detail reproduction. Inscriptions and vehicle tags can thus be recognized much more clearly.
DIVIS goes even further
While the 4K standard is only 8 megapixels, DIVIS camera models have 12 Megapixel resolution in the classic 4:3 format - more details, better viewing angles.
See for yourself: Based on the latest demo data from a reference customer, we present our new technology live at the LogiMAT.
Excellent processes in logistics and production
Decision-makers, not only in the logistics sector often look skeptical at the decision about switching to digitized processes. For this reason, changes are only happening slowly in some areas. In cooperation with ZTDH, we at DIVIS have committed to meeting this challenge for our customers. DIVIS and ZTDH have accepted the task of reducing the internal technology blockade in companies.
ZTDH assumes an advisory role for us and our customers in the implementation of processes in logistics and production. It is about the optimal use of tools, the activation of unutilised potential for automation, streamlining of processes and quality optimization.
The goal is the successful integration of technology into the company's infrastructure, maximum efficiency and precision through optimized workflows, and, ultimately, higher profits for the logistics companies.
At LogiMAT, Johannes Zettl, Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. and ZTDH Managing Director, will be ready for a personal talk with you.
Our contacts at the fair
Thomas Kroll | Managing Director
Hendrik Reger | Sales Manager
Malin Kroll | Account Managerin
Vincent Schöning | Account Manager Europe
Maximilian Kost | Account Manager
Aurélien Didier | Key Account France
Sven Rautenberg | Commercial Management
At the trade fair, we are taking the necessary time for your request. In order to abbreviate waiting times, we offer the possibility to arrange a meeting with our colleagues at the fair already in advance.
For interested parties, we also provide an online voucher doe with FREE admission to the fair.
If you are interested, please contact Vincent Schöning at
We look forward to meeting you at the LogiMAT 2017!