DIVIS live at LogiMAT and SITL, De-minimis and software tips
Bordesholm, February 1, 2020

You are cordially invited to meet us live in March in Stuttgart or Paris. We have exciting new products at both trade shows. In addition, we offer a special lecture at LogiMAT with the topic "Artificial Intelligence in Video Management Systems: Use and Limits". You will find more details in this issue.
Also: The De-minimis funding period 2020 has started. Find out who is entitled to apply for funding from the Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG) and what needs to be considered.
Our tip of the month introduces a very useful function in ParcelVIS: Save images from your research easily and with just a few clicks.
We hope you enjoy reading.
On behalf of the DIVIS team
Yours, Hendrik Reger
- Head of Sales -
The topics of this issue
DIVIS at LogiMAT 2020 in Stuttgart
Visit us at booth A07 in hall 8!
Date: March 10-12, 2020, 9 am - 5 pm
Venue: Messe Stuttgart (Messepiazza 1, 70629 Stuttgart)
Will we see you at LogiMAT?
We cordially invite you to experience and test our solutions for video-based shipment tracking in goods handling and parcel depots at the trade fair.
For example, we present the functionality and operation of our locating system Location+ in a model setup.
We will also show you our 360º concept for parcel depots. Are you looking for a cost-effective solution that is easy to use? Then you should definitely take a closer look at our concept.
Take the opportunity to experience DIVIS solutions live at LogiMAT. Our on-site exhibition team will be happy to answer all your questions.
As a special highlight, we would like to draw your attention to our specialist lecture at LogiMAT:
DIVIS special lecture at LogiMAT
„Artificial Intelligence in Video Management Systems: Use and Limits“
on Wednesday, March 11th, 2020 at 10.15 am in Forum F, Hall 6
You can find more information about the lecture HERE
Conclude the day at our stand party
On March 10, from 4.30 pm, you are also cordially invited to follow up on previous conversations at our stand party, which we organize with the kind support of our sponsoring partner Hanwha, and to end the first day of the fair with finger food & freshly tapped beer.
At the get-together you can take a look at the Hanwha cameras in person and convince yourself of the outstanding image quality.
Locating system Location+
In a model setup, you can experience this solution live at LogiMAT. We cordially invite you to test our locating system yourself.
With the system solution Location+, in addition to hand scanners, the position of people or means of transport in the cross dock can be determined in real time. The application enables an extremely precise position determination of all scanning processes with an accuracy of up to +/- 50 cm. A red dot in the site plan of your logistics hall and in all images belonging to the time of scanning indicates the exact scanner position.
The advantages: Location+ enables an accelerated start of research and optimal orientation.
Processes do not have to be adapted as they need to with double scanning. Location+ is an automated solution to activate the scan image. Your processes, no matter how complex or flexible, remain completely unaffected and the connection between cameras and scan event is established automatically.
Our locating technology is also able to cope with changing environments and convinces with its exact position determination. The distance between the mobile TAG and reference devices is determined by measuring the transit time.
What many other measurement methods can’t, Location+can do:
Signal reflections, for example of metal walls or consignments, can be deducted. This offers maximum flexibility and enables you to work with your previous scanner technology without obstacles and restrictions.
360° Concept
Are you looking for a well thought-out and cost-effective video concept for your depot?
DIVIS has integrated 360° cameras in the ParcelVIS software especially for parcel research. This means that fewer cameras, cabling and assembly are required to get the same result with a complete overview of relevant hall parts, such as business areas. The new view enables users to work with virtual cameras. The system even converts axis jumps in the software.
The use of virtual cameras accelerates parcel research and ensures optimal user guidance and an overview. Users are directed to the relevant image area and do not have to search for details in a large, circular shaped 360° camera view.
Find out more about our 360° concept at LogiMAT and convince yourself of the ease of use of this powerful solution.
Secure your voucher for free entry to the fair and visit us!
If you are interested, please contact our sales department.
Our colleagues will be happy to help you and we look forward to your visit!
More about LogiMAT
You are invited: Visit us at the SITL in Paris
For the first time we present ourselves at the fair in Paris!
Meet us at booth A58 in hall 6! We are exhibiting at the joint stand with Teliae.
Date: March 17-20, 2020, 9 am - 6 pm
(Thursday: 9 am - 7 pm, Friday: 9 am - 4 pm)
Venue: Parc des Expositions de Paris Nord Villepinte, France
Are you planning to attend?
At SITL we present the products for shipment tracking by video camera. Learn more about our video research software CargoVIS and ParcelVIS with different focal points for freight forwarders, warehouses and parcel depots and convince yourself of their functionality in various live presentations.
Our most popular products to check out at LogiMAT:
Motion Alarm+
Security with research function – with Motion Alarm+ for CargoVIS and ParcelVIS you can not only increase security in your logistics hall or in the parcel hub, but on your entire company premises.
Motion Alarm+ indoors
Motion Alarm+ can be used indoors in transshipment and storage halls, office areas and in parcel hubs. Triggered by movement, the alarm is displayed directly in the site plan or, if desired, by an alarm e-mail with 5 pictures. Research can be started immediately via the alarm history.
Motion Alarm+ outdoors
Outside, video surveillance is carried out by Motion Alarm+ using thermal imaging cameras. This enables surveillance of large areas. Motion Alarm+ is therefore ideal for night shift applications. The thermal imaging cameras detect the intrusion of people and vehicles under almost all visibility conditions and are able to visualize even minimal temperature differences.
Outdoor alarms are generated by Video Content Analysis (VCA) and stored in a database. The alarm images and the research of the stored data are accessed directly via the CargoVIS software, which is equipped with acoustic signaling in live and research mode. The triggered alarms are forwarded to an external contact (for example alarm system, siren, light) and the associated alarm images are sent by e-mail.
Reliable tracking of scanners, people and means of transport in the hall
Also discover our tracking system Location+ for precise real-time location of hand scanners, people or means of transport in the cross dock.
Volume control without workflow interruptions
We will also be presenting the Scale+ module, which is in high demand with our customers, for software-controlled volume control at SITL. The measurement in Scale+ is based on the evaluation of video image material previously recorded with existing cameras. By this the tracking system does not have to be interrupted for measurements and you can still take measurements even when the shipment concerned has already left your warehouse.
Precise controls can be carried out directly in the software on an image of the package.
The result: processes are noticeably streamlined, you gain more control and transparency within your logistics chain.
Secure your voucher for free entry to the fair and visit us!
Make an appointment for a trade fair now and contact aurelien.didier@divis.eu to request your voucher code with FREE entry to the trade fair.
BAG funding "De-minimis": The application period has already started
The current application period for De-minimis, the support program of the BAG (Federal Office for Freight Transport), is running since January 7, 2020. This means that funding for measures that serve to ensure safety in road haulage companies and protect the environment can be applied for again this year. The eligible measures also include solutions from the DIVIS portfolio, such as the use of "video systems to monitor a site".
In our article you will find information about the funded amounts, things to be considered during application and deadlines.
Save scan images in ParcelVIS – with just one click!
You have searched for a shipment in ParcelVIS and found it. Now you want to save a scan image or any other video image from the research results in the film strip. This is easy with ParcelVIS! Find out more in today's tip of the month.