DIVIS says thank you and wishes you happy holidays
Bordesholm, December 19, 2017

Hendrik Reger
Head of Sales
We want to thank our customers for going through an eventful and successful year with us and look forward to continue pursuing old and new ways together with you in 2018
We wish you happy holidays and a happy new year!
Traditionally, the end of the year is the time for DIVIS to do good deeds for others. As a DIVIS customer, you are automatically contributing: Every year we donate part of our revenue to regional and international charitable organizations.
With your help this year we are supporting:
Förderverein des Kindergartens Birkenweg Bordesholm e.V.
(Friends of the kindergarten Birkenweg Bordesholm e.V.)
The association supports the children and the day-care center with material donations, cultural experiences and personal commitment.
More info: www.kitabirkenweg.de
KGV Bordesholm (Bordesholmer Tafel)
With the help of volunteers the Bordesholmer Tafel collects sorted out foods from retailers and distributes them to people in need. The fact that donations really make a difference can be witnessed here by the living example: After it had become increasingly difficult, logistically and organizationally, to manage the distribution in the old premises due to the growing number of people in need in recent years, thanks to numerous donations in recent years the Bordesholmer Tafel 2017 was finally able to expand and move into new premises.
More info: www.bordesholmer-tafel.de
Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation
The student initiative Plant-for-the-Planet was founded in 2007 by 9-year-old Felix Finkbeiner and has since developed into a worldwide movement. With the donation of DIVIS 1000 trees will be planted.
More info: www.plant-for-the-planet.org
The project was founded seven years ago by medical student Antonia Pelshenke and supports orphans in Tanzania. Antonia is originally from Kiel - not far from the DIVIS headquarters in Bordesholm - and traveled to Tanzania for the first time to work voluntarily for a charity organization, where she also worked at the Good Hope Childrens Home in a small village on the foot of Mount Meru. Since then, the young woman returns to Tanzania every year and tries to finance the school attendance of as many children as possible through her personal commitment on-site and her donation initiative.
Zukunft für Lolas Kinder e.V.
(Future for Lolas children e.V.)
The association supports the projects of Catholic sisters from the Spanish mission "Missionary daughters of Calvary", who take care of children in need in Zimbabwe.
More info: http://www.lolas-kinder.de/
Deutscher Kinderschutzbund OV Neumünster e.V. („Blaue Elefanten“)
(German Child Protection Agency OV Neumünster e.V. - "Blue Elephants")
Typing at the DKMS
We also decided this year to skip the traditional paper Christmas cards and to send you our greetings digitally with this newsletter. We will invest the saved money also in a good cause:
The typing of our employees in the DKMS stem cell database.
Achieving great things with little effort
The subject of stem cell donation is vital for people with blood cancer and unfortunately by far not as popular in Germany as it should be.
Only a few patients affected find a suitable donor within the family and are therefore dependent on a foreign donation. The chances of finding a suitable donation can be less than one in a million.
That is why organizations like the DKMS are striving to ensure that as many Germans as possible are registered as donors. In 80% of all cases the donation is very simple and takes place only via a blood donation. Only in a small number of cases bone marrow is needed, which must be retrieved surgically. A donor can be any person between the ages of 17 and 55 years.
Many companies, including DIVIS, are taking part in this initiative by paying the costs of typing and encouraging their employees to register as a donor on a voluntary basis. During typing, blood or a swab is taken and then examined for characteristics relevant to a donation. Subsequently, the volunteer can register as a donor in the stem cell database.
According to information from DKMS, on average only about 10 people in 100 employees will agree to typification. Against this background, we at DIVIS are very proud of our employees.
Of 50 colleagues 11 have already agreed to typification.
Are you also thinking about typing or would you like more information?
Here you find answers: www.dkms.de