Case Study
ParcelVIS in package sortation
at Arvato Distribution GmbH

"Being able to track the
whereabouts of each parcel
at any time ensures the high
quality of our service and
ParcelVIS supports us in this."
Jürgen Momberg
Site Manager
Arvato Harsewinkel-Marienfeld
19 May 2020
ParcelVIS at Arvato
Safely documented transfer of risk for high quality goods
Arvato Distribution GmbH is part of the international Arvato Service Group, which belongs to Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA.
In the distribution center at the Harsewinkel-Marienfeld branch, Arvato provides logistics services for several telecommunications customers. Between 18,000 and 30,000 parcels with high-quality goods from the field of mobile communications, such as mobile devices, accessories and SIM cards, are handed over to the various carriers (GLS, UPS, DHL, DPD) every day.
In order to clearly document the transfer of liability during the loading process and to reliably find any missing packages, the company decided on the ParcelVIS software from DIVIS.
Site manager Jürgen Momberg explains (right image):
“We ship a variety of different cellular products every day. These are high value goods, which is why a clearly documented transfer of risk in the loading process is essential for us.
That is why we were looking for an intelligent video management system that goes beyond classic video surveillance and can fully meet our requirements. The most important requirement for the video system was the irrefutable documentation of the goods transfer to the transport company and the complete clarification of any complaints. With seamless parcel tracking in the distribution center, ParcelVIS from DIVIS fulfills precisely these two requirements. We also keep all processes transparent to our clients. Being able to track the whereabouts of each parcel at any time ensures the high quality of our service and ParcelVIS supports us in this.”
Arvato had initially become aware of DIVIS products through a trade fair contact. Seeing the sample project of another DIVIS customer finally convinced. The new system went live in August 2019.
"We were looking for an intelligent video management system that goes beyond classic video surveillance and can fully meet our requirements. [...] With complete package tracking in the distribution center, ParcelVIS from DIVIS fulfills exactly these two requirements."
Jürgen Momberg
Site Manager
Arvato Harsewinkel-Marienfeld
Complete overview with cost-efficient concept
20 cameras were installed indoors for the new system. The cameras now have all critical stations in sight, from the packaging area to pallet handling with the winding machine to the actual loading.
Among other things, Arvato relied on the 360° concept with 4K cameras offered by DIVIS. With this cost-efficient concept, fewer cameras, cabling and assembly than usual are required to get a complete overview of relevant hall parts. The new view enables Arvato employees to work with virtual cameras. The system even converts axis jumps in the software automatically.
The use of virtual cameras accelerates parcel research and ensures optimal user guidance and overview. Users are directed to the relevant image area and do not have to search for details in a large, circular 360° camera view.
The flexibility and compatibility of the DIVIS solutions convinced already during the installation: A stationary barcode reader of the Cognex DataMan 474 series that already existed on site was seamlessly integrated into the system by DIVIS.
Cognex is a DIVIS hardware partner. As part of the project, a configuration for Cognex scanners was jointly developed in order to transmit the scan data directly to the DIVIS software.
Needle found in the haystack
During the project implementation in Harsewinkel-Marienfeld, the very homogeneous look of the parcels was an unusual specialty. Telecommunication products are often very similar in appearance and dimensions. The same applies to the packaging. In contrast to many other parcel depots, in which the items differ in appearance and size, the parcels passing through the Arvato depot look very much alike. Therefore, visually distinguishing these goods on their way through the distribution center can sometimes be a little more challenging for employees than usual.
For the DIVIS software it is irrelevant whether parcels look similar or not, because in ParcelVIS every package is clearly identified by its barcode and can be precisely tracked via the display of the correct video image. In order to further simplify the visual tracking with the camera technology for the employees, however, a small adjustment of the address label was also made. The last two digits of the tracking number are now printed enlarged in a free spot on the label, so that the package can be immediately recognised in the video image using these numbers or letters.
“ParcelVIS has proven to be a very helpful tool for us to clarify differences between our own records and those of parcel service providers and to find missing parcels."
Jürgen Momberg
Site Manager
Arvato Harsewinkel-Marienfeld
Requirements successfully met: high clearance rate for missing packages
Arvato is delighted with the execution of the project and the timely installation.
“The new system can be operated by our employees intuitively and without many instructions”, reports Jürgen Momberg.
"Right from the start, ParcelVIS has proven to be a very helpful tool for us to clarify differences between our own records and those of parcel service providers and to find missing parcels," Momberg states with satisfaction. According to the company, the clearance rate for missing parcels is now well over 90%.
"Overall, we are already very satisfied with the uncomplicated handling of the installation and the process optimisation resulting from the new solution", Jürgen Momberg summarises the mood at Arvato.

Arvato Supply Chain Solutions
Arvato Supply Chain Solutions (= Arvato Distribution GmbH) is an innovative and internationally leading service provider in the field of supply chain management and e-commerce. In the areas of telecommunication, high-tech, entertainment, corporate information management, healthcare, consumer products and publishers, every partner meets their industry specialists. Around 15,000 employees worldwide work on services and practical solutions. Using the latest digital technologies, Arvato develops, operates and optimises complex global supply chains and e-commerce platforms, making it a strategic growth partner for its customers. Arvato combines people's know-how with the right technologies and suitable business processes and thus measurably increases the productivity and performance of its partners.

Jürgen Momberg
Site Manager
Arvato Harsewinkel-Marienfeld