Tagless BLE location at LOXX, location explorer, DIVIS business talk
Bordesholm, 08 November 2022

LOXX Lagerlogistik GmbH, based in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, has switched to the state-of-the-art tagless Bluetooth® Low Energy technology offered by DIVIS for its indoor positioning.
Now the forwarding company no longer needs transponder hardware for scanner location, thus saving costs and reducing downtime. The logistics experts from Gelsenkirchen are enthusiastic about the tagless technology. Find out more today in our detailed case study.
No matter if you are already using indoor positioning or if the topic is still completely new to you, we highly recommend the location explorer! With just a few clicks, it provides an initial assessment of the potential of indoor positioning for your company, based on your requirements. Even for experienced users, there are new options to discover.
Today's Business Talk also has interesting news. We have realised various projects throughout Europe for new customers. Find out who recently decided to work with us.
Enjoy reading!
For the DIVIS team
Yours Hendrik Reger
- Managing Director -
The topics of this issue
LOXX relies on CargoVIS with tagless Bluetooth® Low Energy locating
At the headquarters of LOXX Lagerlogistik GmbH in Gelsenkirchen, countless consignments pass through the 21,000 sqm handling and logistics area every day. In order to process the high throughput with consistently high service quality, seamless shipment tracking is indispensable for LOXX.
This is why LOXX has been relying on the CargoVIS video management system since 2016, including the Location+ software module for scanner location from DIVIS.
With the switch to tagless Bluetooth Low Energy technology, the company has now also been able to solve the problem of unreliable transponder hardware for locating. Read more in the case study.
Discover the added value of locating for your company in just 2 minutes!
Cost reductions through route optimisation in the cross dock.
Increased security on the company premises.
Improved communication with customers and partners at any time about whether their goods have already been loaded.
Better control of the flow of goods on the company premises and increased throughput speed.
Locating offers you all these possibilities and much more! Discover the potential of locating technology for your company now!
Together with our technology partner Quuppa, we have developed the Locating Explorer, a tool that informs you about the best options for your individual needs in just a few steps.
Answer a few short questions about the intended use cases and the number of assets or people you want to locate. Afterwards, the Location Explorer will determine an initial estimate for you based on sample data from existing projects.
Go ahead and try it now!
Video Management with Indoor Positioning
Find the right solution for your logistics company with the DIVIS Buyer's Guide.
New customers and projects in Europe – the latest developments at DIVIS
Our market share in Europe continues to grow at an encouraging rate. In the last few weeks and months, we have once again been able to win new high-profile customers for our video management solutions. Learn more about the companies that have recently decided to work with DIVIS in today's Business Talk.