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Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

Christmas video – DIVIS wishes you Happy Holidays

Bordesholm, December 17, 2020

This year we all had to break new ground and face numerous unexpected challenges. It wasn't always easy. But that is precisely why we at DIVIS are very grateful and happy that you have walked this path together with us. We look forward to pursuing new goals with you in the coming months.

The corona-related contact restrictions also have impacted the work situation of employees at DIVIS. Since “unconventional” seems to be the unofficial motto of the year, we will give you a little insight into the new working conditions under the current home office regulations at DIVIS in our Christmas video – hopefully putting a little smile on your face. At the same time, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you personally in the video for the outstanding cooperation in 2020.

You can watch our Christmas video here:

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Thanks to the exceptional cooperation of the DIVIS customers, who supported us with the quick and flexible implementation of hygiene concepts, we were able to continue our project business this year. At the same time, help is urgently needed in many places, especially now during the difficult Corona time. That is why we are continuing our tradition of supporting regional and national non-profit organisations with a donation this Christmas season.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a good and healthy start into the year 2021!

On behalf of the entire DIVIS team

Yours Hendrik Reger

- Managing Director -

Hendrik Reger | DIVIS | Videolösungen für die Logistik
Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

This year we decided to support two additional organisations with our Christmas donations:

Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

Spielmobil (play mobile) of the Bordesholm youth club

SpielmobilA Spielmobil is a motor vehicle equipped with material for handicrafts and play, sometimes a trailer or a construction vehicle. At certain times, this vehicle flexibly drives to destinations, such as parks, playgrounds or, for example, schools. By this it goes exactly where the children are and provides additional play options or a substitute for missing play options right there.

Carefree play reduces the performance pressure on children at school, promotes intellectual and individual development as well as social learning. The Spielmobil thus makes an important contribution to extracurricular education. The initiators of the Spielmobil are committed to reclaiming play areas and revive less attractive venues by providing a variety of games.

The mobility of the playmobile stands for movement, not only physical but also mental, as a basic requirement for new ideas and concepts of a new generation.

The youth club in Bordesholm also owns a Spielmobil in the shape of a trailer, filled with a bouncy castle, spinning top, BobbyCar, ropes, bouncy balls, swing cloths, speedminton and much more. As a local company, it is important to us to support local initiatives for our community, especially in challenging times.

Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

Save the Children Germany e. V.

Save the ChildrenAfter almost 10 years of war in Syria, there is still no end in sight. Now the Corona pandemic has made the humanitarian crisis in Syria even worse. Unemployment, increasing poverty, hunger and a lack of prospects threaten the survival of children in particular. Many Syrian families have lost everything and have no way to protect themselves from the virus or to see a doctor if they are sick.

We are convinced that this year children in Syria are more dependent on help than ever because they are in a particularly difficult situation due to the Corona pandemic. That's why we want to support the campaign and give hope.

As in previous years, we are donating to:

Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

Friends of the Lindenschule Bordesholm e.V.

Lindenschule BordesholmThe association supports the Lindenschule financially and enables many activities and projects for the students. The sponsorship, financed by donations, brings more joy into the children’s everyday school life and increases the overall feel-good factor.

Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

Friends of the Kindergarten Birkenweg Bordesholm e.V.

Förderverein Kindergarten BirkenwegThe association founded by parents supports the children and the daycare center with material purchases and cultural experiences. As a family company, promoting young talent is very important to us. We consider contributing to an environment full of colorful and natural diversity for the children to be very important.

Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

The Lebenshilfe Bordesholm-Nortorf e.V.

Lebenshilfe BordesholmThe Lebenshilfe was founded to promote physically or mentally changed people in our area. The association gives people – with and without disabilities – a wide range of recreational options. Unfortunately, it is precisely this type of activities that has been severely reduced by the contact restrictions during the Corona pandemic. The Lebenshilfe staff tries to maintain personal contacts and to provide emotional support through phone calls and letters. But these measures do not sufficiently reach everyone in need and are not able to provide enough help in every case.

For this reason, the association decided to purchase iPads to prevent social isolation and loneliness during the pandemic. With the small digital helpers and apps especially for people with disabilities, the Lebenshilfe team plans to ensure personal, visual contact and other forms of entertainment.

Since the association is mainly financed by donations and is particularly dependent on this form of help, we hope that our donation will bring relief during this difficult time.

Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

KGV Bordesholm (Bordesholmer Tafel)

Bordesholmer TafelEvery week, the Bordesholmer Tafel, founded in 2009, collects food from local grocery stores for those in need in the area.

This year the Corona pandemic is making the work of the Tafel very difficult. At the moment the association has enough food available for distribution. However, the current lockdown is fueling fears that this could quickly change again because of panic purchases.

In addition, the food bank had to tweak its processes. Due to the contact restrictions and distancing regulations, the simultaneous presence of several people in the facility had to be greatly reduced. A negative side effect: The otherwise so important social contacts and personal exchange are almost completely impossible at the moment.

In order to at least continue providing food for the needy and to guarantee the best possible protection against infection for employees and recipients, the food bank has invested part of their donations in hygiene measures.

For several years, DIVIS has been committed to people in our neighborhood who need support and so we are giving the KGV a donation again this year.

Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

The Sternenbrücke children's hospice

Kinder-Hospiz SternenbrückeThe Sternenbrücke children's hospice opened in 2003. The Sternenbrücke team tries to actively and lovingly accompany children, adolescents and young adults who suffer from diseases or disabilities that shorten their lives on their way. The sick children and their families find individually tailored care and support for every step on their difficult path. Even if a child is lost, the hospice is there for relatives to help them work through their grief.

The foundation is mainly financed through donations. That is why we want to contribute again this year.

Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS
Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

Future for Lola's Children e.V.

Lolas Kinder

Together with the sisters of the Spanish order "Missionary Daughters of Calvary", the small non-profit association supports orphans in Zimbabwe. Through numerous projects, these orphans are prepared by the sisters to lead a self-responsible life in the future.

School fees project

Due to the Corona pandemic, school children in Zimbabwe have had to stay at home without any educational opportunity since March. The financing of school fees for 300 children, as has been made possible through donations in recent years, is therefore currently not necessary. However, as soon as the schools start operating again, the unused school fees from the last Christmas campaign are going to be put to use.

Lolas KinderInfirmary

The infirmary was built last year and cares for many patients seeking help every day. There is very little government support for medical care in the region. At the same time, the number of people who need such care is increasing, especially in times of the Corona pandemic. The donations are used to help the residents of Zimbabwe buy medicines and treat the sick.

Food packages for families

Another drought leaves many people starving. Almost 90 percent of people are jobless. To remedy this, donation-financed food parcels are packaged for “stranded families” and given to those families in need in the area.

Glasses project

The start of glasses sale in the glasses workshop in Zimbabwe is being delayed due to strict government requirements. Currently the final approval to officially sale of glasses is still pending. The aim of the small workshop is to produce glasses free of charge for those in need on the one hand and for sale on the other, in order to create an additional source of income in addition to the donations. In this way the work of the sisters could also be financed in the future.

Orphanage project

In the orphanage, the “place of safety” for many children, there currently live 18 children and four sisters. The vegetable garden and the chicken farm are still cultivated. However, the chicken project is currently not generating any economic income, as there are no customers at the moment due to the Corona pandemic.

Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation

Plan for the planetThe school initiative, created in 2007 by Felix Finkbeiner's school project, is now a global movement with one big goal: to motivate humanity to plant 1,000 billion trees. The pupil's vision is for children to plant trees in every country and thus take the carbon offsetting into their own hands. So far, 100,000 children are active for Plant-for-the-Planet and pass on their knowledge to others. In 2019, the foundation launched the “Trillion Tree Campaign” with the aim of planting another trillion trees in addition to the 3 trillion trees in the world. Because enough space is available. This should ensure a climate-neutral and secure future on the planet in the long term.

Sustainability is one of the basic values of our company. So far, however, we have not yet had the opportunity to become completely climate-neutral. Therefore we happily support a healthy climate with our donation to this foundation.

Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

Project Matumaini – Good Hope e.V.

MatumainiThe association, founded in 2017 by medical student Antonia Pelshenke, started in 2009 with an aid project for orphans in Tanzania. Meanwhile, long-term life prospects are being created in a boarding school for 14 children through school or craft training.

Support as well as equal treatment of children is very important to us, which is why we want to make our contribution here.

Weihnachten 2020 | DIVIS

See you next time!

These were the latest news from DIVIS. We'll get back to you soon with more news.
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